We have started quite well, choose the missing parts of our wardrobes in the shop, got a new toothbrush for those who forgot (I will not be specific who forgot it, not to put shame on my sister). And then we hit the road, Jack…

One more stop in Mikulov for water and in a post office and then… Austria (2nd country on our trip). Highway was okay, most of the traffic we saw was on the way to Brno as this weekend Brno hosts a Moto GP.

Weather in Vienna was great! Sunny, hot >1000°C. We walked pass by Opera house, sneaked a peak into a beautiful old library, had a lunch close to Michaelerplatz, learned a little about Hofburg, enjoyed Karlsplatz.

Lucy used some time (just half day) to work in a coffeeplace in the center and I walked around Hofburg, met this beautiful girl and decided to make her my wife one day. And also, there were horses from the Spanish riding school which is supposed to be the oldest in the world. 6 mature horses of white and grey color were feeding themselves honestly in the park while the little devils were jumping and running around like… little devils 🙂

At the end of the day we chilled out in front of the World Museum Vienna (we even eventually went in for 45 min – worth it).

Then at the end of the day we found a bite to eat at Veggiez (yes a Vegan restaurant. I don’t know myself what I was doing there but it was good. And green. A lot. Inside the burger).

And then finally at the end of the day we left Vienna at 11pm, just 4 hours later from theoriginal plan. So I guess we quite like the city to stay that long. The day was finished after 1,5h of driving by sleeping in a parking lot somewhere before Gratz. Thank you Vienna.


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