aka Venice

We have arrived in the evening (according to the plan) and parked Gertruda in Tronchetta parking lot (21€/day). The “people mover” helped us to get to the city Piazzeta di Roma. From there we walked for 20min through the streets of this water-filled city. The city was established by people who flew away from the mainland to escape the wars after Roman Empire has fallen apart. It was protected by the water for centuries as it was successfully growing. Until today it is well preserved and protected from ads, neons, cars (logically), for a long time also from tourists.

City of Marco Polo welcomed us by the most amazing photographic light so we changed our plan to get quickly to the hotel and then go out to “take out the camera and enjoy on the way”. We crossed thousand bridges and found our beautiful hotel pretty much in the center. Lucy booked it from the car during the day so you can imagine our surprise when we found our small luxurious room on a budget.

Quick shover and dress up for an evening city walk and dinner. By the time when we reached the San Marco Piezzo Lucy was in love with the city. Atmosphere and spirit of the city was almost touchable although I felt quite a bit of a negative energy of the place, probably because of the bloody history it hides.

First Italian pizza and lasagna made us very happy and the final touch by tiramisu made us extremely excited and smiley. Despite our new excitement we were quite tired so we chose a little longer but still a way back into the hotel (Belle Arti, 70€/night).

Lucy had a great plan to wake up early to finish the work in the morning so she would be free to walk the city. Failed. Same as I failed to do a night walk for night picture hunt. So I woke up and hit the streets around 7 when most of the tourists were still in their hotels. So it happened that I found the city waiting just for me… Empty streets filled with soft morning light were rewarding.

After a great breakfast we have spilled once more. Lucy stayed to work and I let the city to consume me. She had digested me deep, showed me her eyes and heart. She is filled with old narrow streets, well preserved in the touristic areas, rough outside, her green eyes are home to countless gondolas. Her skin shines with many design shops, cozy bars, great restaurants and places of pure happiness- sweet shops with Italian ice cream. I tuned some music on and kept going without a destination… That was when I felt in love.

One day is absolutely not enough to see all and get to know the city but good enough for a pure summer love. We both experienced it and stayed much longer than planned. We extended our 24h parking by 1h and were charged extra day… Be careful, guys.

One more extra story for my German friends: When I was tired around noon, I sat at the stairs by the water and let the water splash my legs. It was pleasant in this hot day. After a moment a guy came to inform me that I have to leave. It is NOT ALLOWED to sit in the stairs, it is NOT| ALLOWED to touch the water. NO answer why…. So I moved to the Duke`s palace to find a little bit of shadow and all the benches full. I sat down on the ground with my back against the wall. Can you guess now? Same guy. It is NOT ALLOWED to sit on the ground. I almost punched him and then I had to laugh. Feels like home… 🙂


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