Categories: EuropeItalyRoadtrip

Through the regions

We are crossing state borders as well regional ones. Let’s have a look at Italian ones we have crossed and ones to come.

We entered the country to Friuli Venezia Giuglia region then moved to Lomvardy through Veneto. Then we headed south on the border between Piedmont and Emilia Romagna to Liguria. From there we took the coast road to Tuscany.

The southest region we are going to visit is Latium, let’s see how many other regions we get to see.

What I want to share with you today is an argument.

Get a convertible.

On our way through Genova I realized the Thing. The roof down, sun burning your head, it’s extremely hot, roads are full, you are affraid for your car… And the views are amazing, wind in your hair (if you still have some), looks of the people at your beautiful baby (this time I mean Gertruda as well as Lucy. They didn’t know she’s my sister).

Check out the pictures below amd try to enjoy the feeling…

At the end of the day you arrive to the seaside. We travel low cost this time, therefore we chose a camp. And another bizzard place to stall Gertruda. 🙂


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