
Top 5 Roads for Motorbikers in Scotland, UK

If you are planning to come to Scotland and make a tour, go counter-clockwise and mind the season and daytime.…

2 years ago

Top 5 Roads for Motorbikers in Bosnia and Herzegovina

5. Mostar to Neum Road characteristics: 130 km, 2:15 Road quality: 5/5 Start from the beautiful city of Mostar on…

2 years ago

Brixton Crossfire 500X Review

Začnu závěrem a pak vám vysvětlím, jak to myslím. Brixton Crossfire 500X je ženská. Je to macatá mladá holka s…

3 years ago

Barvy, vůně a doteky. Tady je 7 postřehů Vaška Torčíka z jižní Indie

Jaká je Indie a co na takové cestě druhou nejlidnatější zemí světa očekávat? Zeptali jsme se cestovatele Vaška Torčíka, jaké…

5 years ago


After the visit in Assisi we headed to a camp an hour away. At the same time as we arrived…

7 years ago

Giro d’Italia con Gertruda

Hi, all, My dream has come true. I have been dreaming about hitting the road in a convertible while heading…

7 years ago