
We booked a room in a medieval city of Florence 20min from the city centre and joined a group of the Free walking tour starting at 5pm. The guide walked us through the history made by the Medici family. I absolutely love them, it started with a TV series...

Tuscany coast

After so many kilometers inland we have reached the coast. I described earlier how amazing it was to drive smaller curvy streets with the roof down, wind in the hair, sun in the face… You have a panoramatic view of the beautiful old buildings in the rich city of...

Through the regions

We are crossing state borders as well regional ones. Let’s have a look at Italian ones we have crossed and ones to come. We entered the country to Friuli Venezia Giuglia region then moved to Lomvardy through Veneto. Then we headed south on the border between Piedmont and Emilia...


So we left Venice after all. It was quite late (around 8:30pm) therefore no surprise that we arrived at Lago di Garda at 1am the next day. Well, to be honest we had an argument with an Italian, were behind bars and spent 25€. Just listen… We stopped in...


aka Venice We have arrived in the evening (according to the plan) and parked Gertruda in Tronchetta parking lot (21€/day). The “people mover” helped us to get to the city Piazzeta di Roma. From there we walked for 20min through the streets of this water-filled city. The city was...

Hot hot hot Italy

After a morning hygine (thank God/Allah/and all the other guys for showers at gas stations), we started the inline 6 engine and rolled the wheels direction Italian borders. Sorry, not yet. Let’s first have a good breakfest 🙂 Another hot day (Gertruda said it was 36°C, at one sign...


We have started quite well, choose the missing parts of our wardrobes in the shop, got a new toothbrush for those who forgot (I will not be specific who forgot it, not to put shame on my sister). And then we hit the road, Jack… One more stop in...

Giro d’Italia con Gertruda

Hi, all, My dream has come true. I have been dreaming about hitting the road in a convertible while heading south. For some time I thought I would take my girlfried… It turned out I didn’t have one so what now? I have decided to spend as much time...

Poslední večeře

Tento výlet ve mně vzbuzuje pocity z celého spektra. Jsem natěšený, ale mám strach, jsem připravený, ale nemám natrénováno, jedu si pro nové zážitky a před starými utíkám… Máme hodinu zpoždění. To není dobré. Člověk má najednou čas přemýšlet, pochybovat. V Turecku jsou teroristické útoky, nemáme dost času na...