Categories: AustriaEuropeRoadtrip

Hot hot hot Italy

After a morning hygine (thank God/Allah/and all the other guys for showers at gas stations), we started the inline 6 engine and rolled the wheels direction Italian borders. Sorry, not yet. Let’s first have a good breakfest 🙂

Another hot day (Gertruda said it was 36°C, at one sign I have seen even 41°C).

Austrian highway is fairly nice, 9€ for the 10 days vignette is OK, just the top speed could be higher. At most it was limited to 100, so the max of 130 was not allowed and Gertruda’s engine was wombling to go faster, it would be sooo easy. (Germany, we’re coming.)

After approx 750 km, I had to find a gas station. Gertruda has a 50l gas tank amd her hungry eye started to shine on me. So we refiled and did some necessary cleaning (we were also taking shower in the morning) and took first pictures of the beauty.

It was a long way to go to Venice, we had quite a lot of time so no rush. But the weather was deadly. Lucy fesl asleep and I had to stop myself as well. There wsre bo conditions to take the roof down, air co ditioning was a preferred version. It was not working anyway (I hope to fix it during today, it seems there is an issue with the trunk storage slider position. It thinks the roof has no space to store itself to).

So crossing the beautiful mountains was with the roof. :((( I stopped at the second possible place (I missed the first one) and try to figure it out. There was only H+ internet. Dissaster 😀 unsuccessfuly.

We went off highways in Italy to enjoy the country, see it in thw natural colors and save some change (it is a significant amount of money for highways in Italy actually) for ice creams and Aperol Spritz.

We arrived to the parking house around 6, got to the hotel (booked from the car 2h in advance) around 7:30 pm. The light was perfect. The atmosphere of the city got us. Lucy is moving here.

Read more about our city adventure in Venice in the next post…


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