Category: Italy

Brixton Crossfire 500X Review

Začnu závěrem a pak vám vysvětlím, jak to myslím. Brixton Crossfire 500X je ženská. Je to macatá mladá holka s velkýma prsama. Na sobě má minišaty a v oku mrd. Je to zakřiknutá holka, která se stává zajímavější s každou minutou rozhovoru. Nejdříve zjistíš, že je bývalá gymnastka a...

10 reasons why you need a convertible

Content 1 It’s an eye candy Anywhere you go, it will stand out. Every time you will be coming back to the car and see it in the line of boring-same-shape other cars, your heart will skip a beat 🙂 It is an eyecandy. It is a photogenic pice...

Modena’s supercars

The city of Modena is connected to the car racing like a headache to a cheap alcohol. This is one of the places where the cars were experiencing their youth. Born in Germany, made beautiful machines here. It was here where the racing was destilated and injected into the...


We reschuffled and Gertruda got a new trip member. We left Rome with me behind the wheel. A few wrong turns as I was on offline navi as I overused the data (extra data package paid, it is OK again 🙂 ). Anyways, we are heading back north. First...

Roma & Vatican

After 9 days we reunited with our parents in Rome. It was feiday afternoon and after some time of catching up we headed for a night city. My father fell asleep from the heat he took over the day so it was just the 3 of us – my...


We booked a room in a medieval city of Florence 20min from the city centre and joined a group of the Free walking tour starting at 5pm. The guide walked us through the history made by the Medici family. I absolutely love them, it started with a TV series...

Tuscany coast

After so many kilometers inland we have reached the coast. I described earlier how amazing it was to drive smaller curvy streets with the roof down, wind in the hair, sun in the face… You have a panoramatic view of the beautiful old buildings in the rich city of...

Through the regions

We are crossing state borders as well regional ones. Let’s have a look at Italian ones we have crossed and ones to come. We entered the country to Friuli Venezia Giuglia region then moved to Lomvardy through Veneto. Then we headed south on the border between Piedmont and Emilia...


So we left Venice after all. It was quite late (around 8:30pm) therefore no surprise that we arrived at Lago di Garda at 1am the next day. Well, to be honest we had an argument with an Italian, were behind bars and spent 25€. Just listen… We stopped in...