Categories: AustriaEuropeItaly

10 reasons why you need a convertible


1 It’s an eye candy

Anywhere you go, it will stand out. Every time you will be coming back to the car and see it in the line of boring-same-shape other cars, your heart will skip a beat 🙂 It is an eyecandy. It is a photogenic pice of work, you will be snapping pictures on your phone like crazy and see other people taking shots of or with your car. That feels nice.

Gertruda (BMW Z4 2004 – Roadtrip 2018)

2 Better than panoramatic roof

There is nothing that compares to the view from the car. Everything is at the reach of your hand. You enjoy driving in narrow streets of old cities as much as driving in the vast nature and get to see everything.

Verona, Italy (Roadtrip 2018)

3 Feel the freedom

While driving, you feel the wind in your hair (assuming you have some hair left). The connection to the surrounding environment is incomparable to the conventional car. This is freedom, I am not affraid to compare it to the ride on a motorcycle. It is different in many ways and not so adrenalin-like, not so free but it’s much closer. It is worth it!

Italy 2018

4 Hot, hot, hot / pussy wagon

Let’s face it. Beautiful thigs and beautiful woman were and will always be attracted to one another. Are you single? Get a convertible.

5 You get to take care of something

It is so nice to take care of your car. Clean, wash, polish, to take her for a ride… It’s much better than plants, I promise! Just try it out, hers scream is much nicer than a baby screeeming. So, no babies, get a convertible!

6 The engine

The center of gravity is much lower, the suspention is harder, the gears are shorter, the engine is stronger. Sounds great. I do have a 6 cylinder in-line in my BMW Z4 I call Gertruda (because I bought her in Germany while living there. Everyone told me that I will find a german girl – Gertruda there and bring her home. So I did.)

Grossglockner 2018

7 Dreams should come true

As a small boy, I had posters on my wall. There were sports cars and woman on the posters, I dreamed about driving those cars when I didn’t even know what the driving is. High speed is nice, acceleration is better and the curvy roads… it’s fenomenal! There are apps such as Kurviger that help you to plan as curvy road as possible. I use it for my motorbike trips as well.

Grimsel pass, 2020

8 Soul

There are many cars being made today, but their design seems to be kind of stuck. There is no soul in them. A convertible can be a step from the grey. I always loved design and “the force is strong with this one.”

Assisi 2018

9 The look of the small boys and their fathers

Whenever you drive in the city, you can see the admirable looks of small and big boys alike. The small ones even point to the car sometime.

10 It fits

The size of the car really allows you to park easily in the small parking slots. Even though I am sure it is better for both of us (me and my car – Gertruda) when she parks in a nice garrage.

I would never believe how big the trunk is (260 l) so I am taking her for camping and climbing trips as well. Can there be anything better? Hardly!

Plus It’s affordable!

I choose BMW Z4 because it’s one of the best value/price cars on the market. As a german car it is very well made, reliable and surprisingly badass design by Anders Warming.

You can get this beauty starting at 8.000 € for BMW Z4 py 2004. I would not buy anything cheaper as I would expect some hidden flaws there. Do you have a sportscar? Wht have you chosen and why? Let me know in the comments below.


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